Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Back home again!!

Well, St.loius was amazing!!!! maggie and I stayed in the Embassy Suits and on monday, we woke up, went to the zoo, got some great photos, then we went over to the history museum and had lunch (chicken parmesan! mmmmmm) as well as visited the treasure exhibit, which was really cool. You could play this game where you shoot down enemy pirate ships, and pan for gold/stones. After that we went ice skating, and went to the Galleria mall. It was amazing! the place was bigger than any mall I have ever been in in my life (AKA:it tripled park plaza in little rock,AR). I got phillips christmas present. there was even an apple store (the electronics, not the fruit). Yesterday we visited this place called the City Museum. I have to say this was the cooles thing we did the whole time. The entire building was a precariosly balanced playground with thosands of tunnels and hidey holes. of course, we ended our trip at the arch. we took tons of pictures, and I bought a key chain. We came back to maggie's house and slept there last night, and today mom and I start onour holiday baking. remember to follow this blog,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

MID-TERMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am exited! All my mid-terms are finally over, and I can sit back and relax. Christmas break is starting at 1:00 tomorrow and we are going to get our christmas tree. We are going to decorate it on friday or saturday, and so we'll probably start stringing popcorn and for me, finger weaving tonight. Also, I'm going to St. Louis on sunday till tuesday with Maggie Israel. Also, Would anyone who cares actually follow this blog? I mean, I am the only one who probably ever reads this. Maybe I should make it more interesting. here's something cool, Did you know that the only mammal that lays eggs besides the platapus is the Echidna? or, the fact that it takes 100 years for a whales body to decompose in the bottom of the ocean? someone. anyone. listen. please. until next time.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

the weekend in short

yesterday, I woke up raked leaves, did chores, and then walked in the christmas parade. The christmas parade was fun!! My toes almost froze, but the lighting of the capital and fireworks were worth it. After words, mom and I dropped by the Whole Hog to grab a pick up dinner. It was great to see the capital all lit up might post tommorow.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Well, Life is pretty normal right now, but hey, I'm walking in the little rock christmas parade for the girl scouts. It's always fun, and I get to see the lighting of the capital. tonight is going to be a family friday night. I hope we watch a movie, but my dad has started making a fire, so it's unlikely. plus my brothers grounded from TV. I will probably post tomorrow or sunday.