Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and the weekend

Well, for me, thanksgiving was a nice relaxing break from a hectic life. I had all week off. I slept in every day, ate all the fatty thanksgiving food, and generally relaxed in every way. Totally bummed about going back to school, but hey, midterms can't take themselves. I have had all A's and B's so far, but it might change. I hope It doesn't. I hate C's they are one of those grades that's like not good, but not bad either. D's and F's are definitely worse though. A storm is coming in right now, and I am enjoying it. I like to watch storms from the big picture window in front of my house. Dad's making a fire, and we can all sit and play a game for once. We played poker the other night. that was fun, and my dad only beat me by 50 points. I went to the mall with my friend Maggie today, and I bought some pins for my purse from this new store, Spencer's. I'll post tommorow for sure, so keep checking the blog

Monday, November 23, 2009

Moday Blues.

Am I seriously the only person in all of little rock that's off today???uuuuugh. all of my friends are in school and I am stuck at my house bored all day. uuuugh. at least by wednesday all my friends will be off too. will be checking comments, so suggest what I should do.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend fun!!!

Dear audience,
who ever is watching/following this. I had fun this weekend, and I have a feeling it's going to be the most action I get all week. I slept over at Jonah's friday night, and Caroline slept over last night and went to St.Mikes with us this morning. Thanksgiving week we'll hang up our lights, and we might pick out a tree. instead of turkey, my mom's making lamb roast this year. Yum!! We might make some apple pie, but it depends. Will post tommorow or tuesday for sure.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So, Life has been faily borin in the past few days. I think I'm going to buy this thing called a rubix 360 with the money I got for my B-day. putting the rest in my bank account. Since I gave the change jar to heifer project I started a new one. We lost last nights b-ball game, and hopefully we'll win this one. might post more later.
A. D. Warrick

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

thanksgiving coming up

Well, nothing really exiting has happened yet today, our vocabulary test was moved to tomorrow, and we'll have our science test tomorrow to. that means less homework tomorrow, and if our next b-ball game doesn't interfere, I'll be at girl scouts. We won the first game of the tournament last night, and hopefully we'll win again at six. leftovers are packed in my lunch box today (along with a purple milk shake from yesterday's lunch) . Right now I feel like re reading one of those romance novels. I can only take so much of Jonothan Stroud (Bartimeas Trilogy) before I get bored with to much action and stupid cosmopolite magicians. I think might check one of Sarah Dessen's books out for a bit of a change. She writes really good love novels. will post later,

Monday, November 16, 2009


today is my 14th birthday. here's some background info. I was born 11/16/95 at 1:45 pm to Judy Lohmar and Micheal Warrick. So, today I went to school all morning after a break fast of donuts and bacon (awesomely unhealthy, right!!). and then my dad picked me up and took me to the purple cow for lunch. Now, I am in computer class, and decided to post on my blog. since we had my birthday dinner last night, I opened my presents then to. I got a photo frame, earrings, a gurilla pod, photo paper, and a extra camera battery. My brother says that he's going to give the Mp3 player he got from selling popcorn, and I'm counting on him to pull through on that, because I did the same for him this year for his 12th B-day. My friend Nicole gave me a hand made card, and it really cheered me up. so, Happy Birthday to me, and to my mom's freind's baby boy (mrs. Sonya had her c-section today). :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday coming up, and camping trip

Well, my birthday slowly approaches, and it happens to be on a monday. Tomorrow will be my 14th birthday. YAY!!We decided to do my birthday dinner tonight(it's the fifteenth of november as I'm typing this). Tomorrow my mom will make me a special breakfast, and my dad will take me out for lunch. I also have a basketball game tomorrow and will be sitting and doing make up work for the missed day on friday when I shadowed at estem. Good school. So we went on a camping trip this weekend with the EYC from St. Micheals episcopal. Only a one night thing, but it was fun. I hope to get an ipod for my birthday, but my chances are for an Mp3 player :(. So, keep posted, because I'll post tommorow on what I got and stuff like that.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

School and life

To my audience I say, I hope school is over soon we are hardly into fall and I already wish it was summer again. Although, it would NOT be cool to miss my birthday (in 4 days!!!!) and christmas. or graduation to high school. I plan to shadow at Estem tomorrow, so I will be missing school then. Also going to bear creek this weekend and a basketball game. Wish me luck in the game against Episcopal Collegiate School today. We have lost all three we've played so far, and it hasn't been very pleasant. So, lately I've been writing Haiku's (please tell me I spelled that right), and it's been great mind exercise. Check this out, it's my favorite; eagle swoops down, on its prey, in the valley.I wrote like, 20 more, but I don't want to post them. Also finished this book by one author I hadn't checked out in awhile, and really liked it it was called "Paint the Wind" by Pam Munoz Ryan. I have been listening to more Green Day lately and my current favorite song is 21 Guns. Last night at EYC we played this game calld the famine games, and it remided me of a book called the hunger games. So, we got placed in a country 1st 2nd or 3rd world and each person got a ceratin amount of chips to spend on food
keep posted,
A.D. Warrick

Friday, November 6, 2009

the first!!!

I happen to be blogging for the first time. Some info about my hopeful future: writer, teacher, and someone who cares about others. Time. I wonder what my future will be like. I have always wanted to be a book writer, but for all I know, I could be a basketball player, so don't count me on this stuff. I liked the Idea of being a teacher because of the summers off, and the time with kids. I wonder if my blog will be like the one julie wrote in that new movie Julie, and Julia? that would be cool. I created this blog to write down thoughts and things. keep posted,