Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving and the weekend

Well, for me, thanksgiving was a nice relaxing break from a hectic life. I had all week off. I slept in every day, ate all the fatty thanksgiving food, and generally relaxed in every way. Totally bummed about going back to school, but hey, midterms can't take themselves. I have had all A's and B's so far, but it might change. I hope It doesn't. I hate C's they are one of those grades that's like not good, but not bad either. D's and F's are definitely worse though. A storm is coming in right now, and I am enjoying it. I like to watch storms from the big picture window in front of my house. Dad's making a fire, and we can all sit and play a game for once. We played poker the other night. that was fun, and my dad only beat me by 50 points. I went to the mall with my friend Maggie today, and I bought some pins for my purse from this new store, Spencer's. I'll post tommorow for sure, so keep checking the blog

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