Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday coming up, and camping trip

Well, my birthday slowly approaches, and it happens to be on a monday. Tomorrow will be my 14th birthday. YAY!!We decided to do my birthday dinner tonight(it's the fifteenth of november as I'm typing this). Tomorrow my mom will make me a special breakfast, and my dad will take me out for lunch. I also have a basketball game tomorrow and will be sitting and doing make up work for the missed day on friday when I shadowed at estem. Good school. So we went on a camping trip this weekend with the EYC from St. Micheals episcopal. Only a one night thing, but it was fun. I hope to get an ipod for my birthday, but my chances are for an Mp3 player :(. So, keep posted, because I'll post tommorow on what I got and stuff like that.

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